Monday, March 28, 2011

Lipstick Graffiti

Do you ever look at an empty wall and just hate it's whiteness? Then do something about it once and a while!

Prints Available:
12x18 Poster Print, signed, $10 each + shipping

Thursday, March 17, 2011

UPDATE: The sale is long over, but I still have all these prints (and more) available at!

That's right, I'm clearing out my surplus print stock and I'm selling all these signed 12x18 poster prints for just $5 each. And as always, you can combine shipping on up to 5 prints.

Theyr'e going fast - GET THEM BEFORE THEY'RE GONE!
Any prints that have sold can still be purchased through the normal "Art" section of my website (just not at the sale price).
"Cheers", 12x18
"Rainy Day for Mr Squiggles", 12x18
"Stargazer", 12x18
"Within Reach", 12x18 SOLD OUT
"Dead Fish", 12x18
"Structured Living", 12x18
"Nowhere Man", 12x18
"Loch Ness Monster Parade", 12x18
"Falling Downwards", 12x18

Monday, February 28, 2011

Oscar is a Jolicoeur

So you might have noticed I've been rather idle on my bloggie blog haven't I? Don't get mad! I have my reasons...

But I haven't been idle elsewhere. I haven't done any painting since my show but I've been swamped with projects. And they're finally starting to pay off, I'll have lots of shit to share very shortly.

But the painting bug is bitting again. I hope it's poison takes me to fantastical places where I might find some exotic new foods to taste. I'll take my vacation there this year I think.